In today's episode of This Day in Miami History, we revisit The United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce, or the 'Kefauver Commission,' which came to Dade County in May 1950 and began a path that would uncover corruption and revolutionize American politics and government.

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In today's episode of This Day in Miami History, we discuss arguably the most important sporting event in South Florida's history. It's the 60th anniversary of Sonny Liston's defeat at the hands of Cassius Clay, who would go on to become Muhammad Ali and change the course of history.

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In today's episode of This Day in Miami History, we take a look back at the opening of Miami News Tower, which we now know as Freedom Tower. This iconic structure has a fascinating backstory, and we explore it with Dr. Paul S. George, resident historian at HistoryMiami.

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In today's episode of This Day in Miami History, we break format a bit. A momentous event in the history of the United States is taking place in Miami today, as former President Donald J. Trump is being arraigned on federal charges. We use today’s occasion to draw parallels to the past, when on January 4, 1990, former Panamanian “Maximum Leader” Manuel Noriega was arraigned on federal charges after he was captured and arrested during Operation Just Cause in 1990.

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